Live aquarium plants delivered Australia wide.

Ranunculus inundatus EMERSED/BUNCH

$7.95 AUD

Emersed aquarium plant, grown with CO2 and in optimum soft water, supplied as bunches with 6-10 stems depending on variety.  No pot supplied.

Ranunculus inundates, also known as Water Crowfoot, is a charming aquatic plant that can be found in various freshwater habitats, including ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae, which is known for its diverse and beautiful plant species. Water Crowfoot is characterized by its bright green, three-lobed leaves that float on the water's surface or emerge from the mud at the bottom. It produces delicate, white or yellow flowers that add a touch of elegance to its overall appearance. This plant is highly beneficial to aquatic ecosystems as it provides food and shelter for various aquatic organisms. It is also a popular choice for naturalistic aquarium setups, adding a touch of beauty to the underwater landscape