Submersed aquarium plant grown in our purpose built pond facility, grown with CO2 and in optimum soft water, supplied as a single plant.
Genus: Aponogeton
Family: Aponogetonaceae
Origin: Africa
Height: 25-50 cm
Width: 15-20 cm
Light: Low – High
Temp: 15-26⁰C
Ph: 5.0-7.5
Difficulty: Very Hard
Growth: Fast
Aponogeton henkelianus is a very special plant to be used in the aquarium. High demands almost made this plant extinct in its natural environment in Madagascar. A. henkelianus makes high demands on water quality and a nutrient-rich substrate so it can only be recommended as a solitary plant in large, specialised aquariums in which the water is replaced frequently. This beautiful plant is highly recommended for its very unique foliage. No pot supplied.