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Murdannia engelsii EMERSED/BUNCH

$8.95 AUD
Emersed aquarium plant, grown with CO2 and in optimum soft water, supplied as bunches with 6-10 stems depending on variety.  No pot supplied.

Overview:  Murdannia sp. Red is a rather unknown stem plant that features wavy leaf structure which can easily illuminate an aquarium if placed mid-ground. Murdannia sp. Red leaves are colored brownish red to pink and the lateral leaves are darker in shade.

Size Portions: Murdannia sp. Red is priced per stem

Lighting conditions: Medium to High

Growth Length:  10 cm (height)

Difficulty or care: Medium

Placement in an aquascape: Mid-ground to background

PH: 6.5 – 7.5

Temperature:  68 – 84 F

Reproduction: Propagation is done by producing new shoots that act as runners that will separate from the plant eventually.

Growth Rate: Medium