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Rotala 'bloodii' SUBMERSED/BUNCH Blood Red

$12.00 AUD

Submersed aquarium plant, grown with CO2 and in optimum soft water, supplied as bunches with 6-10 stems depending on variety.  No pot supplied.

Rotala bloodii 'Blood Red' is a striking aquatic plant that belongs to the Lythraceae family. It is a cultivar of the Rotala bloodii species, known for its intense red coloration. This plant features thin, needle-like leaves that grow in densely packed clusters along its stems. 'Blood Red' is highly valued for its vibrant and eye-catching appearance, making it a popular choice for planted aquariums. Under high light intensity and nutrient-rich conditions, this plant can develop deep red leaves, creating a visually stunning display. Rotala bloodii 'Blood Red' is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists. It can be used as a mid-ground or background plant, adding a touch of drama and elegance to any aquatic setup.